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New Proposed Overtime Rule A Comprehensive Guide

New Proposed Overtime Rule: A Comprehensive Guide


The United States Department of Labor (DOL) recently proposed a new rule that would update the overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This proposed rule has generated significant interest and discussion among employers and employees alike. Read on to understand the key provisions of the proposed rule, the potential impact on businesses and workers, and the next steps in the rulemaking process.

Key Provisions of the Proposed Rule

The proposed rule includes several key provisions that would significantly impact the calculation of overtime pay for millions of American workers, The most notable changes include:

  • Increased Salary Threshold: The proposed rule would raise the minimum salary threshold for overtime eligibility from $23,660 to $50,440 per year.
  • Automatic Updates: The salary threshold would be automatically updated every three years to keep pace with inflation.
  • New Duties Test: The proposed rule would replace the current "duties test" with a more flexible "primary duty" test to determine overtime eligibility.

Impact on Businesses and Workers

The proposed rule has the potential to have a significant impact on both businesses and workers.

Impact on Businesses:

  • Increased Labor Costs: Businesses may face increased labor costs due to the larger number of employees who would be eligible for overtime pay under the proposed rule.
  • Revised Job Classifications: Employers may need to reclassify certain positions to ensure compliance with the new overtime regulations.

Impact on Workers:

  • Increased Earning Potential: The proposed rule could result in increased earnings for millions of American workers who are currently ineligible for overtime pay.
  • Improved Work-Life Balance: Employees may benefit from reduced work hours as employers seek to avoid paying overtime wages.

Next Steps in the Rulemaking Process

The proposed rule is currently in the public comment period, which ends on March 21, 2023. During this period, the DOL will accept public comments on the proposed rule and consider any suggested revisions. After the comment period closes, the DOL will review the comments and make any necessary changes before issuing a final rule.


The proposed overtime rule is a significant development that could have a far-reaching impact on businesses and workers across the United States. It is important for employers and employees to stay informed about the proposed rule and its potential implications. As the rulemaking process continues, it is likely that there will be further updates and developments. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor the DOL's website for the latest information.
